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February 05, 2010


Phyllis Moore

Hi tom, it's me. I checked out your personal page and found your blog site. (An inspiration that I should finish mine.) I also ready your guest blog writing. Very good.
I also have a blog. mythrider.wordpress.com
The postings add up to a fantasy novel. It's on hold at the moment. I have plans to move it to its own domain. I hoped to have someone help me with all the details, but we seem to have a snag. I'm not sure if he will work out or not. So that's on hold also.

E Rogers

Dear Tom,

Show your support for World Malaria Day 2010!

As you know, on the 25th April 2010 the global community will mark World Malaria Day.

In 2008 you got involved by downloading the World Malaria Day Button and displaying it on your blog, to raise awareness of the day. You will recall we also ran this campaign in 2009 with a re-designed button. We are inviting you to show your support as a key stakeholder in the malaria community by downloading and displaying the button.

You can download the button at http://www.worldmalariaday.org/add_button.cfm

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!

Many Thanks
Eleanor Rogers
Malaria Consortium Advocacy and Communications Team

About the Button
The World Malaria Day button virtual campaign began in 2008 and is a collaborative initiative with the Roll Back Malaria Partnership. It can be viewed on all websites, blogs and social networking profiles. The aim is to have it on as many websites as possible by World Malaria Day - the 25th of April 2010. By clicking on the button, visitors are directed to both to the World Malaria Day civil society website (www.worldmalariaday.org) and RBM’s World Malaria Day homepage (http://www.rollbackmalaria.org/worldmalariaday ).

About the World Malaria Day civil society website
www.worldmalariaday.org is a site powered by the malaria community to inform, educate, mobilize and stimulate a high number of stakeholders, particularly southern civil society, around World Malaria Day and throughout the year. It acts as a hub where organisations and individuals can share news, events, statements, reports, tools and activities. It is also a place to read about others' activities and programmes.

Ken E

Glad I didn't miss the List of cognitive biases...sad I have so many.
Thanks Tom for the heads-up.

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