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April 14, 2008


Kate Olson

Well, the fact that I found your post on Classroom 2.0 where the discussion moved even further from the original source says something, no? At this point, I think harnessing a discussion is just undoable, but I do think there are common courtesies that can be followed to help out the "smaller" bloggers with the good ideas. I addressed this in my post that Jon referenced in his "Dear Scott" post that you linked to above. The quote from Vicki Davis comes from her diigo annotations on my post, which I then copied into my post so everyone could read them. Perfect examples of conversations running away!



Thanks for your comment. Yes it is ironic that I have taken this thread elsewhere, although I did comment on Jon's blog before writing this. Actually, I was encouraged by one of the other bloggers involved in this to share my thoughts on Classroom 2.0, as one of the places where newer edubloggers congregate. Hey, you (a not so new blogger) found me!

Thanks for directing me to Vicki's comment on your blog. I know that conversations will branch out and loop back, but I agree that we can all share the love a little.

Vicki Davis

Conversations branch out, it is just the nature of it. The best way to aggregate on a topic is to agree upon and share a TAG -- such as we're doing with the Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety and Success. (tried to post in HTML here but it won't let me!) In response to what they said, the tag is ad4dcss and the conversations thus far are aggregated on a netvibes page I created a published.

It took me about 3 hours to set all that up, so it isn't practical to do it on everything.

And the reason my comments were on diigo for kate's page is that she was trying to get us to go to Jon's page to comment. The problem was I WANTED to comment on Kate's page. The comment I had belonged on her page, not Jon. It was a different spin.

This is the nature of the beast but the problems w/ it are also why social operating systems are on the horizon.

Best wishes. (Oh, and I got here to you from Scott's post) -- I didn't comment on Scott's, just yours. It is just the way it works. If I commented on every bunny trail I followed, I'd be commenting forever.


Vicki, thanks for your comments. Shared tags are great, but they work best when you set up the tags and start the content at the same time. Swirling, pre-existing threads don't cooperate so well.

When I wrote this, and all of the comments before, I never meant to imply that there's only one place for a comment. Just that, if widely read Blogger B spins off from hardly read Blogger A, we shouldn't just overlook Blogger A.

I know you're extremely generous with your comments and resources, and I think you've set a great example for using your links and comments to encourage us.

Thanks for dropping by. I'll tell Scott you said hey.

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