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March 31, 2008


Nancy Riffer

This is a fabulous ad. Unlike what we see in the United States, too. I am struck by how happy and carefree the children seem. Our commercials for detergent seem to favor competition, not cooperation.

I also grew up in Michigan and have been writing this spring about tadpoles I caught in a tiny spring pond that dried up by the end of summer.

I have discovered how much playing outdoors without close supervision is a critical component of my being a life long learner. In the US, the fear parents have of strangers and the push to have children busy, productive every minute seems to have taken free-play in nature away from most children. This kind of activity is critical to balance learning and international interactions available through the internet.

Hurray for getting our feet wet.


I loved the OMO add. You don't get ads like this in Australia. Laundry powder ads in OZ show the housewife in the laundry smelling the freshness and admiring the brightness of the washed clothes.

This Ad is very progressive and ingenious.

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