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March 01, 2007



Hi, I'm Jake,

we haven't met yet I'm really enjoying your blog though. I found your blog through Bahadir's. I just wanted to let you know that I'd referenced your blog on mine today.

Richard Birdsall

Both Karl's original presentation and Scott's variation are breathtaking, the facts presented are mostly inaccurate or unverifiable. Researching the sources Karl offers I find only a handful of the data he uses is accurate. Fully two-thirds of the data he uses is wrong, simplified to the point of being misleading, or unverifiable.

Should we be pointing the way to the future with inaccurate information?


Thanks for the comment about the accuracy problems in the video. I have been following both Scott and Karl's blogs, and they also recognize these problems and had been working on tracking down reliable information about the issues they mention in the video. I should have updated my blog post to reflect that.

Karl and Scott planned to create a version that reflects better data, but in the meantime, Karl published this follow-up post: (http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2007/03/over-two-million-served.html ) where he discusses the reliability of the data. If they do publish a revised version, I'll update this post.

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