I've been getting some new readers lately who are also new to blogs in general, so this is intended as a brief guide to help them dive in right away and enjoy reading what I've been up to. If you're reading this via an email subscription, you'll need to visit my actual website (click here) for any of this to make sense. If you ever get lost while browsing my site, just click on the big Tryangulation title that you see on every page.
The center column
is where you find my most recent posts, with the newest first. My older
posts are in the Archives section (more on that later). I usually post
in English, occasionally in Turkish, and rarely in Spanish. That could
change if I get more subscribers who read Spanish. Each post has:
- the date
- a title
- the main text, usually including some links to other websites or to other places on my blog
- categories that I assigned to the post
- the permalink (the unique web address for each separate post)
- the comments link (click on this to add your own comments)
- the TrackBack link (to create links between blogs who write about my topic)
The left hand sidebar
is where you find links between this blog and other things happening on the web.
- About. A brief bit about me (click on the link) and the books I'm reading currently (click on a book to get details).
- Blogroll: This is a list of some of my favorite blogs. If you like my blog, you will probably like the others in my blogroll too. I have them arranged broadly according to topics.
- Tryangulate! These are links to services where you can connect with me and with others in other parts of the Web. For example, you can look up some of my del.icio.us tags, subscribe to the rss feed of my blog with Bloglines, conduct searches, or subscribe to this blog’s newsfeed.
Right hand sidebar
This area has links to other items on this website.
- Email subscription box: Use this box to get new Tryangulation posts by email.
- Recent posts: This is a quick list of posts that can be viewed on the first screen (without looking through the Archives).
- My favorite posts: These are posts that I have picked that I think give you the best idea of what I write about at this website.
- Web Tech 101: These are posts that give tips to people who are new to blogs, tags, wikis, and other features of the new Web.
- Categories: If you click on any of these categories, you’ll be able to browse only the blog posts that are in that category.
- Archives: You can see links to the last 10 months or so. If you’re looking for something older, click on the word Archives, and you’ll get a list of all the months with posts (since September 2005, when I moved my blog to Typepad).
I jumped ove to your blog from your comment on Will's blog. This post is a great first timers guide. I had to learn all of this by trial and error over the last year, which was fine because I love technology. However not everyone has that level of patience with new things.
This week I am working with a group of administrators who want to set up their first blog. With your permission I would like to use the content of this post as part of my presentation.
Posted by: Barbara | December 05, 2006 at 08:34 AM