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November 13, 2006



Dear Tom

Again, like so many of your other posts, this one is very relevant to my present concerns. Discussing the IB learner profile is more than I have been able to get my colleagues to do. I keep trying to hammer home the point that our assessment system has a learner profile implicit in it - the wrong one! But that's not what most of my colleagues want to here. Now I know what John the Baptist must have felt - except I'm not subsisting on locusts and wild honey!

Did you listen to the Eğitim Şurası discussions? I did only on TV, and read about it on Radikal. See my response posted today on my blog.




Hey, Gautam, thanks for the comment. I just had a thought: create a wiki for all our disruptive friends in IB to post ideas on how to operationalize/ implement/ institutionalize the learner profile. Maybe create official "Risk taking" or "Make a mistake" days to loosen things up?
You know, locusts actually taste like shrimp. In Oaxaca they eat them in tacos.


Interesting post! I am enjoying exploring your thinking. The last paragraph about compartmentalized subjects and learning raised an issue that I have been starting to ponder. In Grades 6, 7 and 8 we are just beginning blog activities. In setting up the student blogs we stumbled on an interesting issue that I think pushes toward the heart of Web 2.o and part of its potential. Our program is departmentalized with 4 teachers who all teach the same 90 students. All 4 teachers will be using blogs so we set up blogs for each student. Students will use their blog for all entries for all classes allowing them to make connections across the curriculum and to designate work for credit in multiple subjects. We are not there yet but the concept is and it moves us from individual teachers using blogs within their classes to a more systemic and holistic kind of learning. It will not ( is not) an easy jump but I am excited about the vision.


Great idea, Barbara. Just had a thought: you could set up one Bloglines account that subscribes to all the blogs, maybe organizing them into folders according to classroom or subject. Make all the subscriptions public, and then everyone can browse all of the blogs from just that one Bloglines account's public view (www.bloglines.com/public/username )

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