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October 10, 2006


Gautam Sen

Tom,what you write here in the last couple of paragraphs rings true, because it reflects my experience at getting my students to use the wiki's I have set up for two of my courses. I'm still struggling with trying to get them to contribute to the wiki, but progress seems slow.


Wasn't it Bob Mager who said if you don't know where you're going it doesn't matter how you get there?

And talk about a paradigm shift. Consider that America's k-12 educational system penalizes students who question their teachers and have opinions other than what the teacher promulgates. They also are not allowed to write in their books. Then suddenly they go to college and encouraged to write and highlight their books and their professors (well, maybe one or two of them) expect them to co-create or be responsible for their own learning? And being "naive" learners, they probably have no real appreciation for how a blog or wiki will help them get an A - I mean learn.

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